Steven R.H. Barret (Professor), Aero-Astro
Steven’s principal research objective is to advance understanding of how aviation impacts the environment and to develop strategies to mitigate those impacts. His work related to atmospheric chemistry is mainly in modeling aviation emissions and associated impacts on atmospheric composition, climate, and air quality (including public health), and in modeling the effect of mitigation strategies including improving aircraft operations or design and use of alternative fuels. He also works on quantifying the environmental impacts of other emissions sources such as road transportation and power generation.

Arlene M. Fiore (Professor), Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
We investigate processes controlling two-way interactions between air pollutants and the climate system, and the sensitivity of atmospheric chemistry to different chemical, physical, and biological sources and sinks at scales ranging from urban to global and hourly to decadal. We use a range of models, from process-level to chemistry-climate, alongside in situ and remotely sensed observations. Research directions include: connecting ground-level ozone smog and particulate haze with climate change and variability, identifying climate responses and feedbacks to aerosols versus greenhouse gases, interpreting observed trends in atmospheric constituents, and developing applications of satellite and other datasets with air and health managers.

Colette L. Heald (Professor), Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Research in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Composition Modeling Group focuses on understanding global atmospheric composition and chemistry, and interactions of these with the biosphere and climate system. This includes the study of both particles and gases in the troposphere: their sources, sinks, transformations, long range transport and environmental impacts. We work at the intersection of modeling and observational analysis, with a strong emphasis on the integration of the two. This involves using observations of the atmosphere from all scales: from ground stations, aircraft campaigns and satellite sensors with global models of chemistry and climate.

Jesse H. Kroll (Professor), Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research in our group centers on the chemical transformations of organic species in the Earth’s atmosphere, with a particular focus on the secondary chemical species (gas-phase oxygenates and particulate matter) formed from oxidation of emitted organic compounds. Our work primarily involves laboratory studies, in which oxidation chemistry is carried out under carefully controlled reaction conditions; in addition, we are also involved in the development of new analytical tools (both research-grade instruments and low-cost sensors) for the measurement and characterization of atmospheric organics, and use of these tools in the laboratory and the field.

Shuhei Ono (Associate Professor), Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
We apply stable isotope systems to trace biogeochemical cycles in the past and present. In particular, we work on sulfur mass-independent isotope effect as a unique signature of atmospheric sulfur chemistry preserved in geologic records. In addition, we are developing a state-of-the-art instrument for isotopomer monitoring of atmospheric nitrous oxide. The instrument will be used autonomous on-site monitoring at AGAGE stations to better constrain its sources and sinks.

Ron G. Prinn (Professor), Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Professor Prinn’s research interests incorporate the chemistry, dynamics, and physics of the atmospheres of the Earth and other planets, and the chemical evolution of atmospheres. He is currently involved in a wide range of projects in atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemistry, climate science, and integrated assessment of science and policy regarding climate change. He leads the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), in which the rates of change of the concentrations of the trace gases involved in the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion have been measured continuously over the globe for the past three decades. He is pioneering the use of inverse methods, which use such measurements and three-dimensional models to determine trace gas emissions and understand atmospheric chemical processes, especially those processes involving the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere. He is also working extensively with social scientists to link the science, economics and policy aspects of global change.

Noelle E. Selin (Professor), Institute for Data, Systems, and Society, and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Research in the Selin group integrates atmospheric chemistry modeling with analysis of impacts and policy. It goal is to inform how research and policy communities understand and develop solutions towards sustainable development. Specifically, the group’s work addresses how the health of the Earth and its populations are affected by toxic air pollution, in the context of climate and other global changes, from regional to global scales. Research using models and analytical methods traces the ways in which different policies and strategies affect emissions, pollutant transport, chemistry, human health, economics, and institutions.

Susan Solomon (Professor), Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Research in the Solomon group includes three primary components, two of which are disciplinary, and a third that extends into new interdisciplinary directions: (i) advancing the understanding of chemistry-climate coupling and climate predictability on time scales ranging from decades to millennia, (ii) better quantifying ozone depletion chemistry and its linkages to climate change, and (iii) identifying climate change impacts on human society and nature, particularly the signals of anthropogenic changes that are emerging or will soon emerge from the noise of internal variability.